Wind Energy

It serves customers who want to produce their own energy with the help of wind turbines.

  • Preparation of Preliminary and Detailed Feasibility:
    Determining the capacity to be installed and preparing the preliminary feasibility within this scope, then determining the turbine to be installed as a result of the field studies and making detailed feasibility studies,
  • Preparation of Required Documents for Project Application:
    Gathering all necessary documents on behalf of the customer, including the Out of Scope of EIA document,
  • Making an Application to the Relevant Institution:
    Application to the distribution company in the region as per the legislation, to TEİAŞ if it is connected by transmission, or to the OIZ Directorate if it is in an OIZ with a distribution license,
  • Receiving Technical Interaction Analysis (TEA) Report:
    Applying to TÜBİTAK RAPSİM for Technical Interaction Analysis and obtaining the approved report
  • Receiving the Invitation Letter to the Connection Agreement:
    Receiving the Call Letter to the Connection Agreement after the preliminary and technical examinations of EDAŞ/TEİAŞ/OSB and the receipt of the TEA report,
  • Preparation of Financial Reports and Presentations for Banks:
    Preparation of financial reports and presentations for banks in order to provide project financing, participation in financing meetings with banks if necessary,
  • Preparation of TEDAŞ Electricity Project:
    Making the Generation Facility Electricity Project, submitting it to TEDAŞ, realizing the revision requests of TEDAŞ units, following the approval process with the company that made the project,
  • Making Connection Agreement with EDAŞ/TEİAŞ/OIZ:
    Signing the connection agreement with EDAŞ / TEİAŞ / OIZ after the approval of the electricity project by the relevant institutions and the preparation of other necessary documents,
  • Preparation of Tender Specifications for Installation, Management of Tender, Selection of Contractor:
    Preparing the tender files for determining the most suitable contractor company to install the WPP facility, managing the tender process, determining the winning company,
  • Supervision During Facility Establishment:
    Managing the start-up/installation process of the WPP facility, ensuring that the installation is carried out quickly and efficiently by being on site, preparing weekly reports, ensuring coordination between the contractor and the employer,
  • Provisional Acceptance and System Usage Agreement with EDAŞ/OSB:
    After the installation is completed, ensuring that the temporary acceptance is made by TEDAŞ teams, organization of the field trips of the acceptance committee and then signing the system usage agreement with EDAŞ / TEİAŞ / OIZ,
  • Making Insurance Agreements:
    Receiving proposals from companies and making agreements in order to ensure that the WPP facility is insured with optimum conditions in order to protect against possible damages that may occur in the future,
  • Making Maintenance/Repair Agreements:
    In order to ensure the smooth and correct operation of the WPP facility, receiving offers from the relevant companies for maintenance, repair and monitoring services, making agreements

Project Development Saha Solar Energy

It serves its customers who want to produce their own energy with the help of Solar Energy.

Within the scope of Land SPP Processes, it manages all the application, permit, zoning and license processes required for its customers to realize their investments on their behalf. This process includes the following services.

  • Finding Project Sites and Consumption Points:
    Finding suitable lands and consumption points for this business in order to make unlicensed solar energy investments,
  • Preparation of Required Documents for Project Application:
    Preparing the necessary documents, especially the Agricultural Marginal Certificate, which is one of the most important documents to be obtained in order to make a project application and shows that the field is not suitable for agriculture to a certain extent, and the document showing that it is out of the scope of the EIA,
  • Making the Application and Receiving the Call Letter for the Connection Agreement:
    Making an application to Electricity Distribution Companies (EDAŞ), receiving the Connection Agreement Call Letter from EDAŞ as a result of preliminary and technical evaluation,
  • Preparation of Financial Reports and Presentations for Banks:
    Preparation of financial reports and presentations for banks in order to provide project financing, participation in financing meetings with banks if necessary,
  • Obtaining All Site and Implementation Zoning Permits in Municipalities:
    Management of 1/5.000 local zoning and 1/1.000 application zoning processes to be carried out before the District Municipality, taking the opinions of all institutions, monitoring the permit process and the suspension process, which is one of the works that should be done before the installation.
  • Preparation of TEDAŞ Electricity Project:
    Making the electricity project of the generation facility, presenting it to Ankara TEDAŞ with the construction static report, realizing the revision requests of TEDAŞ units, following the approval process with the company that made the project,
  • Making Connection Agreement with EDAŞ:
    Signing the connection agreement with EDAŞ after the approval of the electricity project and the completion of the zoning process,
  • Preparation of Tender Specifications for Installation, Management of Tender, Selection of Contractor:
    Preparing the tender files for determining the most suitable contractor company (EPC companies) to install the GES facility, managing the tender process, determining the winning company,
  • Supervision During Facility Establishment:
    Managing the start-up/installation process of the SPP facility, ensuring that the installation is carried out quickly and efficiently by being on site, preparing weekly reports, ensuring coordination between the contractor and the employer,
  • Provisional Acceptance and System Usage Agreement with EDAŞ:
    After the installation is completed, the provision of temporary acceptance by TEDAŞ teams, the organization of the field trips of the acceptance committee and then the process of signing the system usage agreement with EDAŞ,
  • Making Insurance Agreements:
    Receiving offers from companies in order to ensure that the SPP facility is insured with optimum conditions in order to protect against possible damages that may occur in the future,
  • Making Maintenance/Repair Agreements:
    In order to ensure the smooth and correct operation of the GES facility, receiving offers from the relevant companies for maintenance, repair and monitoring services, making agreements,
  • Obtaining Power Transmission Lines and Passing Route Permits:
    Adjusting the transit routes of the electricity lines required for the grid supply of the energy produced at the facility, making negotiations with the landowners, obtaining the necessary permits,
  • Making Building Permits, Building Use and Working Permits:
    After the completion of the installation and zoning stages, obtaining the “building license” by making an architectural project, the “building occupancy permit” by performing SGK procedures, and the “working license” by taking the opinions of all institutions from the relevant Municipality or Municipal institutions.

Employer Engineering

It provides technical consultancy and Employer Engineering services to investors during the construction of renewable energy projects. Within these services,

Design Selection and Yield Analysis

Making settlements according to European Standards over the structure of the roof or the land.

Financial Feasibility Study

Proposals from EPC companies are included in the cost analysis and a project-specific financial feasibility model is made.

Preparation of Tender Specifications

The technical and administrative specifications for the tender for the selection of the contractor company are prepared and the bids submitted by the candidate contractors are evaluated.

Panels, panels, constructions, etc. used in power plant manufacturing. Inspections of the main products are made before they are shipped to the field, during the production phase and during the field delivery.

Technical Consulting in the Contractor Selection Process

Providing technical consultancy services to the investor in the EPC selection processes according to the project and technical specifications

  • Distribution organization applications
  • Preparation of electrical projects
  • Preparation of static projects
  • Connection agreements
  • Temporary admission
  • System Usage agreement
  • Land determination suitable for solar power plant installation
  • Analysis of the investor’s existing land or roof
  • Analysis of electricity consumption and electricity bills
  • Preparation of draft projects
  • Approximate cost determination
  • Feasibility analysis
  • Field inspection
  • System design
  • Shading Analysis
  • Simulation Studies
  • Engineering Calculations

Test and Inspection

Solar Power Plants Inspection and Measurement Services According to IEC Standards

  • Conducting site visits and technical evaluation of the site
  • Inspection of the conformity of the production to the approved project
  • IV-Curve Measurement – IEC 60891
  • Hot-spot Measurement by Drone and Handheld Thermal – IEC 62446 / IEC 61215
  • Insulation (Hypot) Tests – IEC 62446
  • Grounding Value Measurement
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